Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Anthropology - 1092 Words
Anthropology 1120 Assignment 1: Critical Reading Exercise Value: 10% of final grade DUE DATE: Section A: MONDAY OCTOBER 21 in your tutorial Section B: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 in your tutorial You must also upload your assignment to Turnitin via the course Moodle website by the beginning of the lecture on the due date. (more instructions will be provided in tutorials) How does it work? You must write a 3-4 page critical summary of 1 (one) of the following required reading articles from weeks 1-6: Miner, Horace. â€Å"Body Ritual Among the Nacirema†Geertz, Clifford. â€Å"Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.†Rylko-Bauer, Barbra, Merrill Singer and John Van Willigan. â€Å"Reclaiming Applied Anthropology: Its Past Present and†¦show more content†¦Questions that have a clear yes or no answer or questions that seek specific pieces of information found in the article are not necessarily suitable for discussion. Good questions for discussion should relate the article to our larger discussion in class. Formatting Instructions Required Information on the first page: Your full name, student number, course code (ANTH 1120 A or B), Name of your Teaching Assistant, Time and Day of your tutorial. You should NOT produce a separate title page and can put all of this information at the top of the first page of text. Technical Details: 12-point font, Times or Arial preferred, 2.5cm or 1inch margins all round, double-spaced, with page numbers, and clear paragraphing. . Citations: see the AAA Simplified Citation and Reference Guidelines in the â€Å"Assignments: General Information†document for how to cite specific ideas and phrases from the course resources you consult. Title and References are not required for this assignment Tips on what to do and what not to do: Some of these articles may have summary abstracts at the beginning of the article; most articles will have introductory and concluding paragraphs that summarize the main points. These are very useful for focusing your attention on the main points of the article. But, do not copy or paraphrase these summaries. You should be critically reviewing these readings in your own words. We will deduct marks if I find that you are simplyShow MoreRelatedAnthropology : Anthropology And Cultural Anthropology1472 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is anthropology? This is a question that can be answered in numerous ways, but we are going to define it as simple as possible. If we break the word down into its two components it means the study of human beings. â€Å"Anthropo†means human beings or human kind and â€Å"logy†or â€Å"logia†is Greek for the study or knowledge of something. When we put it all together, it is the study of human beings which can be very broad. Anthropolo gy can be broken down into four subfields: physical anthropology, archaeologyRead MoreAnthropology : Anthropology And Anthropology1550 Words  | 7 Pagesimagined the endless careers that are available to anthropology majors, before taking Professor Sharratt’s Intro to Anthropology course. The things that I have learned in anthropology have opened my mind to a variety of different career paths that is possible with a degree in anthropology. Anthropology majors go off to a plethora of careers with their degrees in anthropology. Anthropology is â€Å"the study of humankind in all times and place†. Anthropology has four different subfields which include: Physical/BiologicalRead MoreAnthropology : The Anthropology Of Sports1496 Words  | 6 PagesAnthropology is a generic term which originates from the Greek word anthropo logos which means the â€Å"study of man.†Anthropology is the most comprehensive among the social sciences, covering every aspect of human behaviour, past, present and the future (Blanchard 1995:2). The anthropology of sports serves as a unique social scientific approach to understand and analyse sports alongside the practical application of results to real problems (Blanchard 1995:23) and like all other social sciences, operatesRead MoreCultural Anthropology : Physical Anthropology3800 Words  | 16 Pagesglossary Anthropology: It is a general comprehensive science of man in the past and present of any culture. This is divided into two main areas: physical anthropology, dealing with biological evolution and physiological adaptation of humans, and social or cultural anthropology that deals with people living in society, ie forms of evolution of language, culture and customs. Anthropology uses tools and knowledge produced by the natural sciences and the social sciences. Aspiration of anthropologicalRead MoreThe Anthropology Of Cultural Anthropology1370 Words  | 6 Pagescultural anthropology, which seeks to understand the purpose and place of the humans in this world. It will include anthropology as a social science, the concept of culture, and it would also introduction the human evolution and to archaeology, ethnographic field methods. The importance of human language, human development, patterns, global economy, marriage and the family, gender issues, global politics and local political organization, social stratification, medical anthropology, ethnicityRead MoreVisual Anthropology And Cultural Anthropology1554 Words  | 7 PagesAnthropologists have been able to study the differences in human cultures and how they have evolve. â€Å"There are now four major fields of anthropology: biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and archaeology†(Dennis O Neil). Within these fields are subfields, visual anthropology is a very important subfield of cultural anthropology. Visual anthropology is the study of the history of human customs and culture through what one sees or perceives in various types of media. ThereforeRead MoreAnthropology and Its Branches1728 Words  | 7 PagesAnthropology is the study of human beings, in particular the study of their physical character, evolutionary history, racial classification, historical and present-day geographic distribution, group relationships, and cultural history. Anthropology can be c haracterized as the naturalistic description and interpretation of the diverse peoples of the world. Modern-day anthropology consists of two major divisions: cultural anthropology, which deals with the study of human culture in all its aspects;Read More Anthropology1316 Words  | 6 PagesAnthropology Anthropology what a vulnerable observer you are! You may well have to jump into the arms of the scientists if you are going to try to keep your grass hut at the academy! -- Ruth Behar Debates on the role the reflexive plague the field of cultural anthropology as postmodern critics join the bandwagon attempting to claim authority in this dubiously recognized discipline. In the borderline realm between the sciences and humanities, cultural anthropology has tried to find a nicheRead MoreCultural Anthropology Of Humans Living And Dead Anthropology938 Words  | 4 Pagesnot share the same ideals as them. This lack of communication is a major barrier in advancement of our world. Anthropology, in short, is the study of humans living and dead Anthropology is divided into five main categories: applied, linguistic, medical, biological, archaeological, and cultural. Each of these five divisions teaches a different aspect of human life. Cultural anthropology teaches acceptance. There are social norms that can be found in every culture, the difference from culture to cultureRead MorePhilosophical Anthropology2982 Words  | 12 PagesPhilosophical Anthropology ABSTRACT: Philosophers cannot avoid addressing the question of whether philosophical anthropology (that is, specifically philosophical inquiry about human nature and human phenomenon) is possible. Any answer must be articulated in the context of the nature and function of philosophy. In other words, philosophical anthropology must be defined as an account of the nature of the subject of philosophical thinking. I argue that if philosophical thinkers admit that they
Monday, December 16, 2019
Overview of the Solar Panel Industry Free Essays
Global Business Operations Solar Panel Industry Student Name: student Number: Introduction The solar panel industry is a niche market dominated by a small number of large firms. Five out of the top ten biggest players In the Industry are Chinese firms. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert It Into electricity, In one of two forms; industry, due to the large market share dominated by a small number of players, furthermore, the solar panel industry not only cooperates with, but also competes with other industries such as power production and component manufacturing industries. We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Solar Panel Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Solar Panel Industry The Shape of the Solar Panel Industry With five out of the biggest solar panel producers worldwide being Chinese, it is no surprise that 45% of solar panel production across the globe is by Chinese firms. The solar panel industry is the fastest growing power technology in the world, with reported yearly increases in capacity of 50%. Consisting of mainly 10 firms, the industry isn’t large in terms of suppliers, however, the combined revenues of these 10 firms account for $21. Ban, thus the industry is large in revenue as well as production. Growth Global Presence The growth of the solar panel industry is fairly new, beginning in the early sass’s, thus the industry is not only dominated by a few large players, but it is also maintaining its volume position as it is not going through consolidation and turning into a fragmented industry; the large firms are still growing. Competition within the industry is tight, especially since all major firms ha ve a global presence. Any large firm involved in solar panel production without a global presence is sure to be overtaken by competitors. Product Variety Core Business Solar panels are generally a very homogeneous product, all firms that produce them apply essentially the same product with minor variations, this makes it even more difficult to develop a true competitive advantage within the industry. The industry is mainly based on business-to-business sales; power production firms order solar panels from the producers. Other revenue streams come from foreign solar panel retailers purchasing small orders and distributing them to private buyers such as homes or offices. Innovation, RD, and Demand conditions In order to develop and maintain a competitive advantage within the solar panel industry, it is paramount to invest in innovating and research development. As it stands, the industry remains very linear in terms of product innovation; investments are heavy however no new technologies have yet been discovered or implemented. Since its inception, the technology implemented within solar panels has definitely increased, however there have been no significant breakthroughs that would fairly stable; prices have been more or less constant and competition tight but not extensive as the players aren’t many. The industry took a blow in 2007 following the global crisis, however it recovered in 2010 and has been growing more than ever at an unprecedented pace. Vertical Integration Production Process The Chinese firms mainly adopt vertical integration from the raw materials to the finished product, whereas USA and Japanese firms, which are the other big players, tend to outsource some production as well as import components from suppliers such as Busch. This difference arises due to the costs involved in producing and assembling solar panels; in China, availability of resources is very high, as well as cheap labor and land, thus incurring less costs, hence why Chinese firms prefer to vertically integrate their production process. Whereas for American and Japanese firms, cheap labor and production space is not available, thus it is more cost effective to outsource production and import components. Vertical integration itself is not a fully efficient way of production in the long run, as demonstrated by the automotive industry in the early 20th century. Ford adopted a full vertical integration production process, and while for years it remained the market leader in the USA, eventually Toyota adopted a Just-in-time production process and overtook Ford in USA market share. This is mainly due to the incurred sots of vertical integration; at an early stage of an industry as a whole, vertical integration is cheaper, however as an industry and its accompanying technologies advance, third-party firms enter niche markets of component production and it eventually becomes cheaper to outsource most of the production process. Economies of Scale The biggest advantages to the large solar panel producers arise due to their economies of scale. With a huge production capacity and an efficient supply chain, every step of the value chain from production to delivery becomes much cheaper per unit. Economies of scale acquired by solar panel producers are down to their rapid growth mainly due to their early entry into the market. There are no physical barriers to entering the solar panel industry; governments actually subsidize firms who get involved in renewable energies through tax exemptions and monetary aid. However, the barriers to entry are known as ‘natural barriers’, meaning that the barriers to entry that do exist are not due to regulation, but rather to the strength and size of the competitors, which in turn relates to their economies of scale which allow them to sustain production at such high capacity and cost efficiency. Value Chain Configuration Sunsets is Chinese solar panel producer, up to 2010 it was the world market leader in the solar panel industry, today it has gone down to be the 5th biggest firm. After a series of financial troubles related to defaulting on US government bonds in 2011, the firm has reported revenues of $3. 1 ban and net loss of $1 Ban (2011). Sunsets was founded in 2001 and went public on the New York Stock Exchange in 2005, share price dropped 40% following its first default on government bonds. The following diagram shows Sentence’s value chain process, which will be explained in more detail underneath the diagram: The first segment of the value chain is inbound logistics, since Sunsets is a vertically integrated firm, it produces its own components which are later used in the production of solar panels. The next part of the value chain is operations; this part is the most important in Sentence’s value chain as it is where production takes place. The core business of Sunsets is the production of solar panels, without an impeccable product they would quickly cease to be one of the market leaders. The third step shown in the diagram is outbound logistics, this involves Sunsets distributing the finished product to its customers. Supply chain management is very important, especially since Sunsets is vertically integrated, they have their own distribution channels rather than outsourcing them, thus their customers must receive their products on time and in good condition. Marketing and sales isn’t such an integral part of the value chain, as the core revenue stream for solar panel producers is business-to-business sales rather than business-to-customer, thus jugular marketing methods are not as effective. The final step of the value chain is service, mainly involving post-sale service. Given the nature of the product, solar panels actually have an average life span of 25-30 years, thus minimal service is required, however, Sunsets focuses more on actually turning the service step into a long-term relationship with customers for repeat business and long-term contracts. Sunsets is present globally, with large volume sales to Australia, USA, China, Spain, AJAX, and Brazil, it is basically present in every continent. The main customers for Sunsets and other solar panel producers are power plants and solar farms, who in turn sell on the electricity they produce with the solar panels. It is a large market with very few players as power production is one of the hardest markets to enter, with extensive barriers to entry. Sentence’s overall performance is dubious. On the one hand, it lead the market for many years due to its excellent quality and reputation in production, and on the other hand, it crashed due to mismanagement of resources and financial troubles. In terms of cost efficiency, Sentence’s vertical integration is seemingly flawless as the hole production process is streamlined and very well coordinated, thus the conclusion in terms of performance is that operationally Sunsets is performing exceptionally well, however administratively it is performing horribly and is definitely behind its competitors. Out of the top 10 dominating firms, only two firms are running at a loss, one of which is Sunsets. Recommendations The main issue for Sunsets is mismanagement of funds, thus the main recommendations would be to change the CEO, which has actually been done. How to cite Overview of the Solar Panel Industry, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Pendulum free essay sample
The pendulum shows elastic collision and conserved momentum. In this set up, no momentum is actually lost. Ball O Just transfers its momentum to stationary ball 1 which it collides with(head-on collision) so ball O is put to stop then ball 1 collides with ball 2 causing ball 1 to stop and transfer its momentum to ball 2 and so on until the momentum gets transferred to ball 4 then ball 3 collides with ball 2 and the cycle continues. Thoughts on KPIJP Grading System As we all know, the new KPIJP grading system is composed of four different parts: Knowledge, Process, Understanding, and Performance. Knowledge covers the facts and information taught. Process tests how students assess or process the knowledge taught to them. Understanding is how the students understand and explain the lesson after processing it. Performance is the product or outputs of the students. As changes are added, we should expect some effects as well. Being a second year high school student myself, I have experienced the good and bad sides of this grading system. We will write a custom essay sample on Pendulum or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page First of all, it had a good effect on the students in terms of giving effort in academics. Why? The answer is simple. All the graded seat works, quizzes, and long tests are now called assessments, and therefore they carry the same weight in terms of grading. This will enable students to study more and be more conscious about their grades. On the other hand, it may also affect many people like me. Since seat works are given to students very often and they weigh a big part of our grades, it tends to stress he students out because it is Just like having a quiz every other day. Another thing is that the process and understanding parts of the assessments can be subjective to some people. It did not affect me directly, but it did to some of my classmates. It is hard to get a concrete answer to those questions because not everyone has the same opinion and way of processing knowledge on a certain topic. Therefore it can give some students a hard time to adjust. In addition, school work Just doubled this school year. A lot ot students are already stressed out due to the amount of projects they have. I personally think that KPIJP is affecting this indirectly. As the number of projects increase, the risks of not submitting them on time will also increase. What happens if no output is submitted? Students will have to say good bye to the 30% of their grades. Therefore, I think there should be a balance between the KPIJP grading system and the amount of work given to the students, especially because this is Just the first year of implementing KPIJP.
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