Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Government Funding Stem Cell Research Essay
Undeveloped cell research is a generally new science that is the wellspring of much clinical guarantee yet much debate also. The kind of immature microorganisms required, early stage undifferentiated organisms, are just reachable one way: through the pulverization of human incipient organisms. In 1996, the Dickey-Wicker Amendment was passed, making the administration unfit to subsidize any exploration where human undeveloped organisms are made or crushed. From the start the revision was a minor snag the administration needed to work around to even now get the undifferentiated cell researchers the cash they required. It wasn’t until August 23, 2010 that Judge Lamberth’s administering ended all administration subsidizing for foundational microorganism research. Today, undifferentiated organism research doesn't get government assets as the exploration, however conceivably life-sparing, crosses good and strict hindrances that repress its development as a science and as a door towards future clinical discoveries. In view of the contradicting contentions, I feel the legislature should finance immature microorganism research as doing so will help accelerate the exploration procedure and get us closer to sparing lives and completion human misery. There are two kinds of immature microorganisms, grown-up undifferentiated organisms (found in grown-ups) and undeveloped foundational microorganisms (found in incipient organisms). Albeit both have probably some capacity to reproduce and form into develop specific cells, for example, skin cells, heart cells, or nerve cells, the grown-up undifferentiated organisms are substantially less various than early stage and by and large considerably more constrained in the sorts of cells they can frame. Undeveloped immature microorganisms are pluripotent, implying that they can shape any sort of tissue and any kind of cell. Early stage immature microorganisms are presently not utilized for clinical medicines yet are the wellspring of much clinical guarantee soon. Reachable just through the devastation of human undeveloped organisms, early stage immature microorganisms can be seen as lifelines or the results of life pulverization. A sort of grown-up foundational microorganism, the hematopoietic undifferentiated organism, is as of now broadly used to treat leukemia; truth be told, they are the main sort of undeveloped cells presently used to treat illnesses. In spite of the fact that past and ebb and flow uses of foundational microorganism treatment with people may appear to be a piece disappointing, researchers around the world concur that undifferentiated cell research merits the consideration and will carry a lot of help to casualties of numerous illnesses. The fundamental purpose behind government not to support immature microorganism research is that it reserves or possibly empowers the decimation of human incipient organisms. Judge Lamberth cut off the government’s proviso used to support undifferentiated cell research, engaging the various United States residents who don't need their expense dollars going towards the devastation of human incipient organisms. Judge Lamberth infers that â€Å"the truth that undeveloped foundational microorganism research ‘involves numerous means doesn't imply that each progression is a different ‘piece of research’ that might be governmentally financed, gave the progression doesn't bring about the annihilation of an embryo’†(Keiper). The issue here emerges from the conviction that human undeveloped organisms are expected people, and in this way, the devastation of human incipient organisms ought to be viewed as the annihilation of human life. Adam Keiper, the proofreader of the New Atlantis, expresses that â€Å"presuming the endless good criticalness of human life, was surely the purpose of the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, and ought to be the point of any better than average society†(Keiper). He accepts that the legislature ought not support undifferentiated cell research paying little mind to which part of the exploration it is subsidizing; such financing of any examination that includes the procedure of the pulverization of human incipient organisms, or expected people (as some may see them), boosts only that. In light of that, one’s situation on the foundational microorganism exploration might be chosen basically gauging the potential lives spared by directing the examination with the potential lives spared by not leading the exploration. That choice depends vigorously on one’s ethics, strict convictions, and whether human incipient organisms ought to be viewed as potential people creatures. Numerous incipient organisms made through in-virto treatment (IVF), a procedure that imitates origination, are never utilized by the patients of the IVF banks; they are saves and could never become people without the assent of the guardians of the undeveloped organism, or undeveloped organisms. To address the subject of â€Å"whether or not human incipient organisms ought to be viewed as potential human beings†, one should initially respond to the inquiry: What makes a human? A basic response to the inquiry would be â€Å"anything that, under the correct conditions, could turn into a human. †However, the vital advance in the improvement of a human is the choice of the parent; without parental assent, those extra undeveloped organisms will never become people. Along these lines, the incipient organisms have no future as an individual and ought not be viewed as possible life. The guardians of the unneeded incipient organisms have the alternative to give the extra undeveloped organisms to undifferentiated cell explore or have them disposed of. Laura Bothwell is a doctoral applicant in the history and morals of general wellbeing and medication in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University. She accepts that â€Å"it is an incredible blessing to mankind that the incipient organisms left over from the helped generation cycles can be utilized for research that can possibly lighten human suffering†(Bothwell). A huge number of extra incipient organisms in IVF banks have no future as people, making it indiscreet to not utilize them for immature microorganism research. In which case, the contention that the administration is subsidizing the demolition of potential human life is on a very basic level imperfect. We have to quit agonizing over the lives of the individuals who will never live and start concentrating on the lives of those previously living. In the novel â€Å"Brave New World†by Aldous Huxley, the world has been changed from what it is today. People are developed in processing plants with explicit characteristics to fill explicit jobs in the general public. Clearly, this isn't the situation today, and most would concur that is something to be thankful for. In any case, we are gradually starting to see that it might be conceivable. The chance of developing our own people is startling to consider. Approaching somewhere down in the brains of undifferentiated cell specialists and researchers and anybody taught about the science is the dread of what it might prompt. Might it be able to lead us to turning out to be human designers? Might it be able to prompt our humankind sneak away as we meander into a real existence where nobody is unique, where not God but rather we are the makers of individuals? It may not be a regularly heard inquiry as most would name it outlandish. Along these lines, as I bolster the administration financing undeveloped cell research, I likewise comprehend the requirement for it to be checked. Going into the study of undifferentiated organisms and still today we don't totally have the foggiest idea what will happen to it in the removed future. â€Å"President [Bush] pronounced his aim to name a President’s Council to screen immature microorganism research, to suggest proper rules and guidelines, and to consider clinical and moral repercussions of biomedical innovation†(President’s Council on Bioethics). Another purpose behind the administration to not finance undifferentiated organism research is that doing so would accelerate the examination while many, including those of the President’s Council on Bioethics, figure it ought to be checked and limited as to keep it from turning crazy. Foundational microorganism research resembles a fire, a few people need to see it develop and substantiate itself a wellspring of warmth, a few people need to see it lessen until there is not all that much; most need to monitor it and keep it from turning into a furious inferno. Moral predicaments and profound inward approaching feelings of dread aside, undifferentiated cell research has a promising potential that can't be overlooked. Scientists accept that undeveloped cells can be utilized to treat a huge assortment of illnesses and organ disappointment. They could be utilized to make organ transplants that won't be dismissed by the patient. Immature microorganisms can spare incalculable lives over the world. They might be utilized in the treatment of neurological ailments, for example, Parkinson’s malady or Alzheimer’s ailment. They might be significant for conveying focused on quality treatment. They can treat liver maladies and metabolic issue, for example, Gaucher’s sickness. Hematopoietic undeveloped cells are at present utilized in rewarding leukemia, a sensible and settled and acknowledged technique for treatment. Ruth Kirchstein, a previous acting chief of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), takes note of that â€Å"the capacity to utilize immature microorganisms in infection medicines by straightforward transplantation makes them a plausible remedial approach†, and â€Å"with constrained gracefully of organs for transplants, undifferentiated cells are progressively seen as an appealing option for rewarding falling flat organs†(Kirchstein). In the event that the main expense of subsidizing undifferentiated organism research were the loss of undeveloped organisms that had no future human life probability than the various potential advantages of the exploration should render the cost immaterial. Undifferentiated cell research holds a lot of guarantee yet is denied of the subsidizing important to satisfy this guarantee. Whenever supported, inside years we could be making clinical forward leaps and sparing more lives than any other time in recent memory. Fortunately, current science has opened an additional opportunity, one that could stop good and moral questions and shut down a lot of human anguish. As of late researchers have made another disclosure, another approach to investigate undifferentiated organisms, an approach to reconstruct skins cells to carry on similarly as undeveloped foundational microorganisms; they are called prompted pluripotent immature microorganisms. This new technique for gaining foundational microorganisms breaks no moral boundaries while as yet giving us access to the life-sparing capability of undifferentiated organisms. In November 2007 an examination bunch in Japan and another in Wisconsin effectively made the incited luripotent immature microorganisms. At first, the instigated pluripotent undifferentiated organisms had a carcinogenic propensity that executed a portion of the mice in the primary testing process. Howe
Saturday, August 22, 2020
DNA Barcoding Invertebrate Lab Report #1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
DNA Barcoding Invertebrate #1 - Lab Report Example Right now two such databases exists, the Barcode of life (BOLD) and The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaborative which is an intiative of the three principle Nucleotide databases, GenBank, EMBL and DDBJ. The fouth and last stage is to complete an investigation where examples are related to the nearest coordinating reference record in the previously mentioned databases. In this lab report, we tried to play out a standardized identification examination utilizing mayfly DNA successions in the BOLD database. The standardized tag arrangement is mostly a short DNA succession which has a uniform area in the genome and is utilized to distinguish species. One of the normally utilized succession in DNA barcoding is the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI). This was the arrangement we utilized this work. The barcoding procedure includes recognizing a general locus which has held enough arrangement protection all through advancement and can be sourced from numerous living beings. This grouping ought to likewise be various in order to be sufficiently equipped to separate an objective animal categories to the family level. By and large areas of the chloroplast (rbcL quality) and the mitochondria (COI) meet these prerequisites. Different investigations have been attempted by Herbert et al (2003a, 2004b) and set up this COI grouping as the arrangement of decision in DNA barcoding in creepy crawlies and vertebrates. Inverterbrates, for example, mayfly are gathered entire and might be euthanized in an execute container by setting them in a cooler. In the lab, preliminaries are intended to focus on the saved districts flanking the rbcL or the COI
Sunday, August 2, 2020
How to Cope With Your Job When Youre Grieving a Death
How to Cope With Your Job When Youre Grieving a Death Emotions Print How to Cope at Work When Youre Grieving a Loved Ones Death By Chris Raymond Chris Raymond is an expert on funerals, grief, and end-of-life issues, as well as the former editor of the world’s most widely read magazine for funeral directors. Learn about our editorial policy Chris Raymond Updated on February 03, 2020 Maskot / Getty Images More in Psychology Emotions Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Sleep and Dreaming The death of someone we love and the grief it triggers often proves to be lifes most difficult experience. It can take a toll on ones emotional and physical health alike. Unfortunately, most employers expect workers to return to their jobs well before they feel ready to resume their normal activities. This article offers practical and healthy suggestions to help you cope with your grief when you return to your job, office, or workplace after the funeral, memorial or internment service of a loved one. Tips for Coping With Grief at Work Here are some tips to try: Dont Assume Other Coworkers Know Youre Grieving While you have undoubtedly found it difficult to avoid thoughts about your loved one, you should not assume that all of your coworkers know that youre grieving after you return to work. Unfortunately, the day of wearing mourning clothes, such as widows weeds or a black armband to visually signal your inner anguish to those around you is a thing of the past. The truth is that most companies and businesses handle the reality of death just as poorly and awkwardly as most people do when someone dies, regardless of whether that loss involves an employee or an employees loved one. Death makes us uncomfortable and often leaves us tongue-tied and at a loss for words, which is why we usually resort to death-denying euphemisms, saying the wrong thing or (worse) saying nothing at all. Thus, assuming your employer informed everyone you work with about the death of someone you love during your absence is probably a mistake. While some businesses might let every employee know companywide, many others will only inform the coworkers in your department/division, or just your immediate supervisor, and presume that the word will get around before you return to work. Therefore, you should make a point of informing your coworkers/professional peers that someone you love died and that youre grieving, either before or after you return to work so you wont need to continually relive it as people discover what happened. You can accomplish this in a variety of ways: Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.Cards, letters, texts, emails and/or phone callsAsking your supervisor or human resources department to let people knowInviting someone/everyone you want to inform to meet you for coffee, a drink or a meal before you return to workAsking a close coworker to let others know on your behalfHolding a brief meeting with your coworkers shortly after you come back to the officeTalking privately to individuals you want to inform at your workplace One of the benefits of personally communicating like this is that you can also help your coworkers help you while youre grieving. You might, for example, let them know that its okay to mention your deceased loved one by name around you or to express condolences or share their favorite memories if they wish. On the other hand, because each of us mourns loss in our own way, if youre hoping that returning to work might help take your mind off of your inner pain during the workday, you could let your coworkers know that you appreciate their sympathy but would prefer they not mention it in the office for a while. There is no correct or proper way to grieve, so the choice is yours and you should do whats best for you right now. Plan Your Escape Route Many American Westerns glorify or idealize characters that can cope with any adversity without showing the slightest expression of emotion, including after a death occurs. When you return to the office/work after a loved one dies, however, please understand that you are not a cowboy in a movie. In other words, dont expect that you can always hide your grief during the workday. Even if you followed the suggestion above, and no matter how much you might hope that returning to work will help distract you from your painful thoughts and feelings for several hours, you should expect that your grief will tap you on the shoulder when you least expect it and trigger sadness and even tears in the workplace, despite your best efforts. This is the challenging, insidious nature of grief after someone we love dies. Grief is difficult, if not impossible, to escape for long because the littlest thing can trigger thoughts/reminders, such as the lingering aroma of a coworkers perfume or cologne in a hallway or stairwell; a colleague who happens to mention a movie or song that your loved one enjoyed; suddenly noticing that someone wears the same hairstyle or a similar outfit; the time on a clock indicating lunchtime, the end of the workday, the start of the weekend. You cannot possibly anticipate everything that might trigger your grief once you return to work, so you should plan how to handle the moments when your loss-response will interfere with how you want to act. If you find yourself crying suddenly, for example, where is the nearest restroom, stairwell, exit or private space you could use while you compose yourself, should you need it? If youre starting to feel sad about the death of your loved one during the workday, could you hold off until a scheduled break, lunch period or your finish-time arrives? Would your company temporarily allow you to work from home (telecommute), come in later or leave earlier for a while or allow you to exit the workplace for 10 to 20 minutes if you feel overwhelmed by your loss? Remember, allowing yourself to feel sad and even cry is perfectly normal and natural when youre grieving, so instead of fighting it, you should plan for it. Forgive Others As noted above, most people (and, therefore, most companies) often fail to respond as we might wish or need after we experience the death of someone close. The bereaved often keenly sense this after returning to work following a brief funeral- or bereavement leave period or after using their vacation time, sick days or P.T.O. in order to arrange a funeral, memorial or interment service. Therefore, try to understand that your coworkers probably want to help you feel better in some way but just dont know how, so you should try to forgive them in advance. If you return to your workplace, for example, and discover that a colleague now feels distant, or you sense that people dont seem to drop by and chat with you like they did before the death occurred, youre probably not imagining things. Despite the many practical ways people can help someone grieving a death, most people simply dont know how to comfort the bereaved and worry about saying or doing the wrong thing, so they unconsciously distance themselves. If you understand that this might happen when you return to work, then you will be less likely to feel intentionally isolated or take things personally. Time will eventually soften the rough, painful edges of grief, so trust that both you and your coworkers will eventually find a new state of normal after the death of a loved one. Forgive Yourself Death creates an immense and immediate void in our lives that instantly shatters our sense of comfort, joy, and happiness. Regardless of our relationship to the deceasedâ€"whether parent or child, sibling or spouse, friend or family memberâ€"we never truly get over the grief caused by the death of a loved one, and certainly not before the end of the inadequate funeral- or bereavement leave periods businesses usually offer employees. The truth is that grief hits many people hardest after the funeral, memorial or interment services end, which is often around the same time you need to return to the office or workplace. No longer focused on the many details and decisions that must be made when arranging a funeral or memorial service, as well as the influx of family members and friends during this time, the reality that a loved has died often sinks in after the fact. Try to imagine, for instance, the emptiness a husband feels when he enters the house alone for the first time after his wifes funeral, or the sadness of first entering the babys room when a couple returns home after experiencing a miscarriage or stillbirth. Because grief affects us emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, you should not expect that you will return to work at 100 percent or like your old self. Instead, you will probably experience some of the following mourning-challenges during your workday: Apathy and/or questioning if you should quit your job or find a new oneDaydreamingDifficulty concentrating or focusing on a specific taskFailing to accomplish more than you wanted to get doneFeeling overwhelmedFeeling sleepy or exhausted during the workdayForgetfulnessA higher than normal rate of errors or inaccuraciesIrritability or impatience Right now, while youre grieving, you should avoid making any major life decisions, such as quitting your job and finding someplace else to work. Moreover, you should understand and accept that the invisible weight of your grief will affect your job performance or satisfaction for a while once you return to work. You are simply not your usual self during this time, so instead of denying it, you should forgive yourself when you fail to act or perform as you hope you would in the workplace. Again, communicating with your supervisor and coworkers can prove critical at this time in order to help them better understand what youre dealing with, as well as to dispel any confusion about your recent performance or possible resentment by other coworkers that they need to pick up your slack. Dont beat yourself up too much right now because things will gradually get easier with time.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
To What Extent Can Nazism in Power Be Seen as...
According to Fredrich’s â€Å"six point syndrome†, a totalitarian state must consist of an official ideology, a single mass party, terroristic police control, monopoly control of the media and arms and central control of the economy. During the Nazi Reich between 1933-1939, under Hitler as Fuhrer (supreme leader), the Nazi regime was able to successfully achieve aspects of totalitarianism by exerting tight control of the media and police; leading to control of certain aspects of German social, political, legal, economical and cultural life. However, there are significant features of the Nazi regime that simply fail to fit Friedrichs six, all encompassing concepts of totalitarianism. Central to the concept of totalitarianism is an official†¦show more content†¦Instead, Hitler allowed for and in fact actually encouraged free market trading and industrialism in an attempt to recover the Germany economy from depression in the 1920’s; this in no way aligned with Friedreichs last principle in fact contradicts a significant characteristic of the totalitarian state. However, as Wolfgang Ruge argues, â€Å"the Nazi party developed a propaganda apparatus whose activities far eclipsed all previous heights of the demagogy of German imperialism.†On this note, it is widely agreed by historians that the regime was highly successful in one of Friedreichs principles; control of the increasingly powerful mass media in German society as a mechanism for public control. Primarily coordinated through the work of propaganda minister Goebbels, Hitler was portrayed as a leader who was at the same time moderate and reasonable who put the national good before his own interest. Other themes highlighted images of strength and authority which appealed to the highly nationalist German population; epitomised by Hitler appearing out of the sky to lead the German people depicted in Riefenstahls 1934 film Triumph of the Will, still widely considered the most influential propaganda film of all time. The radio, state produced to be inexpensive, become the regimes nu mber one weapon as it allowed propaganda to not only infiltrate but permeate as many homes as possible. This controlShow MoreRelatedNazi Germany Totalitarian2991 Words  | 12 PagesTo what extent could Nazi Germany be considered a totalitarian state in the period 1933-1942? From Hitlers election to power in January 1933, Nazi Germany although exhibiting totalitarian elements lacked some required factors to characterize it fully as a totalitarian state. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Cleansing and Forced Relocation of Native American Nations
Trail of Tears The Trail of Tears is a name given to the Cleansing and forced relocation of Native American nations from Southeastern parts of United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The phrase originated from a description of removal of the Choctaw Nation in 1831. We Cherokee Indians have lived in our lands for centuries. The white setters forcefully came into our world and had an eye on our land to grow cotton and other crops. First they wanted to â€Å"civilize†us and â€Å"save our souls†by converting us to Christianity. Many of our people tried to comply, but they thought of us as alien people and looked down upon us. The Choctaw, the Chickasaw, the Cherokee, the Muscogee, and the Seminole (collectively called the Five Civilized Tribes) were living as autonomous nations in what could be called to the American Deep South. They initially started harassing us by stealing livestock, burning and looting our houses and squatting on our land which did no t belong to them. The land they coveted was the east of Mississippi as this land was valuable for growing cotton. Several state governments passed laws limiting Native American sovereignty and rights, even though US Supreme Court affirmed our nation to be sovereign in the case of Worcester v. Georgia (1832). In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), the Supreme Court ruled the Cherokee nation was not sovereign and independent nation, and even refused to hear the case. Tensions between Georgia andShow MoreRelatedA Brief History of American Imperialism1391 Words  | 6 Pageseventual spread of the American nation beyond the Mississippi into Native and French land, referred to as â€Å"Manifest Destiny†by John O’Sullivan, was rationalized as a realization of their God given duty. The Louisiana Purchase set the precedent for unrestricted westward expansion in America, and allowed for others to follow in his footsteps. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Drawframe Machine Free Essays
Introduction The draw frame in a textile mill is unavoidable in yarn spinning as fibers need to be kept side by side termed as parallelization of fibers in textile technology. This is done as we see that most of the fibers at carding stage are so fast that there is little or no fiber parallelization. Even though modern carding machines have using the auto leveler still there can be some unevenness along the slivers. We will write a custom essay sample on Drawframe Machine or any similar topic only for you Order Now These two issues will affect the quality of the yarn. The draw frame machine is the last machine which can improve the yarn quality in the yarn manufacturing process. The tasks drafting and doubling are the objectives of the draw frame machine in order to improve the fiber orientation and sliver uniformity respectively. Removal of hooks and dust also can be carried out by the machine, at a significant amount. Objectives To study the material path, objectives and drafting system of the draw frame machine. Procedure * Study the important parts and their function of the machine * Observed and draw the material path * Roller drafting system was observed * Compare the differences between modern and conventional machine Draw frame material path (picture) Tasks of the draw frame * One of the main tasks of the draw frame is improving the evenness over short, medium and especially, long terms. Card slivers fed to the draw frame have a degree of unevenness that can not be tolerated in practice. Doubling is the process of combining two or more slivers usually from carding engine to deliver a single sliver. In the draw frame 6-8 slivers are combined to give one sliver. During the doubling process it is expected that the non-uniformity is in the card sliver will be even-out and a uniform sliver will emerge. Drafting is a process where the weight per unit length of the input sliver is reduced. During the drafting process, fiber parallelization also takes place. The drafting and doubling processes are achieved by passing the slivers through rotating rollers. The fluted bottom rollers are steel rollers while the top rollers are synthetic rollers heavily weighted on the bottom rollers by means of springs. The bottom rollers are run at increasing speeds starting from the back rollers to the front rollers. In addition to the improving evenness, doubling also provides a degree of compensation of raw material variation by blending. The result is exploited in particular in the production of blended yarns comprising cotton/synthetic or synthetic/synthetic blends. At the draw frame, metering of individual components can be carried out very simply by selection of the number of slivers enter the machine * Dust is steadily becoming a greater problem both in processing and personnel involved. It is therefore significant to remove dust in every possible step in the process. Dust removal can only be carried out where there is fiber/fiber, fiber/metal friction. Since dust articles adhere relatively strongly to the fibers. A high performance draw frame with a sufficient number of suction point is a good dust-removing machine. * Sliver formation and coiling is also a important part of the draw frame process using sliver trumpet and calendar roller this functions were done. Differences of drafting systems between modern and conventional draw frame * Modern draw frame machine have helical flute where the conventional machine have horizontal flute. Conventional modern (horizontal) (helical) * In conventional drafting system 4/4 system is used where in modern drafting system 5/4 system is used. * In the modern machine the flutes are inclined and in conventional machine flutes are arranged in straight line. * In the conventional system lever type pressure arm system is used and in modern system spring load system is used. In addition to this the modern draw frame machine have the followings * Single prevention:- if for whatever reason a sliver get exhausted or broken the machine will automatically stop * Colour light system:-indication at which specific point the problem is in the machine which cause into stop * Red-mechanical problem * Green-sliver break * White-power on no run * Blue-over heat * Orange-no can * Automatic can changing:- the machine can be programmed to deliver a specific length of sliver on to the two can after which the cans are automatically changes to new cans. Discussion How to cite Drawframe Machine, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Organizations operate in a highly competitive environment. Therefore, it is critical for an organization to produce high quality products that meet customer expectations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Pfizer- Puffery or Deception specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, production of high quality products is not enough, an organization must engage in extensive product promotion campaigns to increase customer awareness on the products. An organization should formulate a product promotion campaign in such a manner that it would elicit customer interest and portray the product as superior to other products in the market. However, in some instances, a company may be tempted to lie to customers in effort to increase its sales. An organization may engage in puffery or false advertising. Puffery is simply making exaggerated claims about a product. An organization may engage in puffery by using provable superlatives i n the advertisements. Such superlatives include ‘new improved, best, and super’ (Salinger 652). Puffery is common in various advertising campaigns. An organization may also engage in false or deceptive advertising through giving false claims on the product. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) considers false advertising as a fraud. Pfizer is a leading pharmaceutical company that produces the drug Lipitor. Lipitor is one of the best drugs for lowering cholesterol. Cholesterol is the main cause of cardiac diseases. Therefore, it is vital for the company to formulate advertising campaigns that would portray the drug as being beneficial to the heart.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company sought the help of Dr. Robert Jarvik to in promoting the image of the drug. Association of the drug with Dr. Javik would greatly improve the image of the drug, as Dr. Javik is an in ventor of an artificial heart. However, Dr. Javik is not a practicing physician. Inclusion of Dr. Javik in the advertising would greatly improve the image of the drug regardless of what he says in the advertisements. Consumers would easily trust the claims of an individual who invented an artificial heart. However, since Dr. Javik is not a practicing physician, he has no right to feature in medical advertisements. Regardless of whether the claims in the advertisement involving Dr. Javik are right or wrong, the company is involved in puffery. It is a fact that Lipitor is one of the best drugs for reducing cholesterol available in the market. However, being the best drug in reducing cholesterol does not guarantee that the company that customers will embrace the drug. The company must still engage in extensive marketing campaigns. One of the strategies that the company may use to promote use of the drug is through collaboration with various renowned hospitals that treat heart patients. Getting the endorsements of the hospitals would greatly improve the image of the drug. The company may also involve patients who have had positive results after using the drug in its future advertising campaigns. A company should ensure that it does not engage in puffery or deception through its advertising campaigns. Puffery usually involves making exaggerated claims on a product. Deception refers to a situation where a company makes tricks the customer into buying products through making false claims.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Pfizer- Puffery or Deception specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The difference between deception and puffery is that whereas puffery is making exaggerated claims, deception is making outright false claims. Therefore, deception is injurious to the consumer. FTC considers deception illegal (Blocher 13). In future, Pfizer an avoid puffery or deception by avoiding making exaggerated or false claims of its products. Works Cited Blocher, Harald. Advertising ethics – an oxymoron? Santa Cruz, CA: Grin Verlag, 2008. Print. Salinger, Lawrence M. Encyclopedia of white-collar corporate crime, Volume 1. London: SAGE publications, 2005. Print. This essay on Pfizer- Puffery or Deception was written and submitted by user Ayanna Parker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Death Penalty5 essays
Death Penalty5 essays Imagine a man who commits murder, and is given a fifteen year jail sentence and is returned to the streets where he kills again. He is imprisoned again only to be released. This could happen since almost one in ten death row inmates has been convicted of murder at least once. That means that some death row inmates have had more than one opportunity to rehabilitate, yet continue to commit crimes. Should the U.S. justice system continue to let violent criminals back on the streets where they are likely to commit murder again? Capital punishment is one of the oldest forms of punishment. Most societies have thought it to be fair punishment for severe crimes. American colonists used capital punishment before the U.S. was a country, and most states still use it today. Currently, however, there has been a controversy surrounding the death penalty. Capital cases are long and expensive, and there are arguments in support and against capital punishment as a deterrent. If the laws con cerning capital punishment were modified so that it would become consistent, perhaps then it would be effective. But if that took place, would capital punishment be morally permissible? From a utilitarian standpoint, some crimes are so outrageous, such as murder, that it is by enacting the highest penalty for the taking of human life that society affirms the highest value of human life. Thus, if capital punishment is the most beneficial option to society, then the ends justify the means. One argument states that the death penalty doesn't deter crime. Dismissing capital punishment on that basis requires one to eliminate all prisons as well because they don't seem to be any more effective in the deterrence of crime. During the suspension of capital punishment from 1972-1976 research shows that "in 1960, there were 56 executions in the U.S. and 9,140 murders. By 1964, when there were 15 executions, murders had risen to 9,250. In 1969, there were no e...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Famous Events, Birthdays, and Inventions in July
Famous Events, Birthdays, and Inventions in July With both the first-ever U.S. patent and the first numbered patent issued in the month of July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar is full of historically significant inventions, patents, trademarks, and copyrights as well as a handful of famous birthdays and events. From the trademark registration of Silly Putty to Model T inventor Henry Fords birthday, find out what historical events took place on this day in the month of July. July Inventions, Trademarks, and Patents More than seven million patents have been registered out of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) since the Patent Act of 1836 was passed on July 20 of that year (Patent X1). However, there were a great many that were registered even before that, starting with the patent issued to Samuel Hopkins on July 31, 1790, for a method of producing pot and pearl ash. July 1 1952 - The trademark for Silly Putty was officially registered, though originally filed on March 31, 1950. A trademark protects words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that distinguish goods and services. The roar of the MGM lion and the shape of a Coca-Cola bottle are also trademarked. July 2 1907 - Emil Haefely obtained a patent for a machine that wraps electrical conductors in insulating tubes. This method is still used for a large number of electronic devices today. July 3 1979 - The phrase Radio City Music Hall was trademark registered. July 4 1933 - William Coolidge obtained a patent for the X-ray tube, popularly called the Coolidge tube. July 5 1988 - The Bugs Bunny phrase Whats Up, Doc? was trademark registered. July 6 1904 - Patent #764,166 was granted to Albert Gonzales for a railway switch thats still used today on railroads across America. July 7 1989 - Warner Brothers copyright registered Batman, a movie based on a popular cartoon character. July 8 1873 - Anna Nichols became the first female patent examiner. July 9 1968 - US patent #3,392,261 for the Portable Beam Generator, also known as a hand-held laser ray gun, was granted to inventor Frederick R. Schellhammer. July 10 1847 - The rotary printing press was patented by Richard Hoe. July 11 1893 - Hoods Sarsaparilla CIH CO Compound Extract was trademark registered, which was used as a medicine to purify the blood and treat heart disease, rheumatism, scrofula, and dropsy.1990 - Bill Atkinson, the inventor of HyperCard software, left Apple Computers along with Andy Hertzfeld, co-inventor of the Apple Macintosh, and started a new company called General Magic. July 12 1927 - Green Giant Great Big Tender Peas were trademark registered. July 13 1836 - Patents were first numbered, changing the way the system of patents and trademarks was organized. July 14 1885 - Sarah Goode became the first black woman to receive a U.S. patent for her invention of a folding cabinet bed. July 15 1975 - The Detroit Tigers name was trademark registered.1985 - Aldus PageMaker, the first desktop publishing program, was first shipped for sale to consumers, invented by Paul Brainard. July 16 1878 - Thaddeus Hyatt was granted a patent for reinforced concrete. July 17 1888 - Granville Woods received a patent for the tunnel construction for electric railways. July 18 1950 - The patent for producing terramycin, an antibiotic, was issued to its inventors Sobin, Finlay, and Kane. July 19 1921 - The name Breyers Ice Cream was trademark registered. July 20 1865 - The Patent Act of 1865 directed the Commissioner of Patents to turn over patent fees to the Treasury and meet expenses through congressional appropriations, restructuring the department again. July 21 1875 - Mark Twains novel The Adventure of Tom Sawyer was copyright registered.1984 - The first robot-related fatality in the United States occurred when a factory robot in Jackson, Michigan, crushed a 34-year-old worker against a safety bar. July 22 1873 - Louis Pasteur received a patent for the manufacture of beer and treatment of yeast, which would later influence his discovery of the process known as pasteurization. July 23 1906 - The song America the Beautiful was copyright registered by Katharine Lee Bates.1872 - Jonathan Hoyt patented an improved lamp. July 24 1956 - A patent for an oral form of the antibiotic Penicillin was granted to Ernst Brandl and Hans Margreiter. July 25 1876 - Emily Tassey was granted a patent for an apparatus for raising sunken vessels. July 26 1994 - Design patent #349,137 for a toy teddy bear was granted to Josef Gottstein. July 27 1960 - The first episode of The Andy Griffith Show was copyright registered.1921 - Canadian scientists Frederick Banting and Charles Best first isolated insulin, and within a year, the first human sufferers of diabetes were receiving insulin treatments. July 28 1885 - The ready light or taper was patented by John Mitchell. July 29 1997 - Design patent #381,781 for a swimming pool leaf and debris removal net was granted to Ross Clay. July 30 1933 - The Monopoly board game was copyright registered, and Carles Darrow, the inventor, became the first millionaire game designer after he sold his patent to Parker Brothers. July 31 1790 - Samuel Hopkins was issued the first U.S. patent for manufacturing potash. July Birthdays From the birthday of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, the German physicist who discovered branching electric discharges inside electricity insulating materials, to the birthday of John Ericsson, who invented the screw propeller for ships, a number of great inventors and idea-makers were born in the month of July. Find out who shares your July birthday below: July 1 1742 - German physicist and educator Georg Christoph Lichtenberg was known for discovering treelike patterns called Lichtenberg figures. He was known for what he called waste books, which were the detailed notebooks that he kept full of quotes, sketches, and stories.1818 - Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician, was made famous for realizing that many diseases were contagious and could be drastically reduced by enforcing appropriate hand-washing behavior by medical caregivers.1872 - Louis Bleriot was a French aviator, inventor, and engineer; the first man to fly an airplane across the English Channel, and the first to invent a working monoplane.1904 - Mary Calderone was a physician and the founder of Planned Parenthood.1908 - Estee Lauder is famous for founding Estee Lauder cosmetics, one of the most popular brands of makeup in the world. July 2 1847 - Marcel Bertrand was a French mine engineer who founded tectonic geology and formulated the orogenic wave theory of mountain-building.1888 - Selman Waksman was an American biochemist and microbiologist who researched organic substances and their decomposition that led to his discovery of Streptomycin and other antibiotics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1951.1905 - Jean Rene Lacoste was a French designer who used a crocodile logo on his Lacoste shirts when he introduced them in 1929. Also a tennis player, Jean Rene Lacoste won the U.S. Open in 1926.1906 - Hans Bethe was a physicist who contributed to quantum electrodynamics, nuclear physics, solid-state physics, and particle astrophysics. He was the director of the theoretical division at the Los Alamos laboratory and helped invent the first atomic bombs, receiving a Nobel Prize in 1967.1932 - Dave Thomas was the founder of Wendys Restaurants chain of fast-food restaurants. July 3 1883 - Alfred Korzybski was a Polish scientist who formulated the theory of semantics. July 4 1753 - Jean Pierre Francois Blanchard was a French balloonist who made the first aerial crossing of the English Channel and made the first balloon flight in North America1776 - The birth of the United States. The Declaration of Independence was signed, officially separating the United States from the United Kingdom.1847 - James Anthony Bailey was a circus promoter who co-started the Barnum and Bailey Circus.1883 - Rube Goldberg was an American inventor, engineer, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist famous for the Rube Goldberg machine, which uses a series of moving parts to perform simple tasks.1885 - Louis B. Mayer was a motion-picture executive who founded the Hollywood film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) and invented the star system of actors. July 5 1794 - Sylvester Graham invented the graham cracker.1810 - Phineas Taylor Barnum was a circus promoter who co-started the Barnum Bailey Circus.1867 - Andrew Ellicott Douglass invented the dendrochronology method thats used for tree-ring dating.1891 - John Northrop was an American biochemist who crystallized several enzymes and won the Nobel Prize in 1946.1904 - Ernst Mayr was a German biologist who formulated the biological species concept. July 6 1884 - Harold Vanderbilt was known for inventing the game of contract bridge. July 7 1752 - Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the Jacquard loom that weaved complex designs.1922 - Pierre Cardin was a French fashion designer who invented the unisex look. July 8 1838 - Ferdinand von Zeppelin invented the rigid airship.1893 - Fritz Perls invented Gestalt therapy. July 9 1802 - Thomas Davenport invented the first completely electric motor.1819 - Elias Howe invented the first American-patented sewing machine.1856 - Nikola Tesla was a Croatian electrical engineer who invented the radio, X-rays, vacuum tube amplifier, alternating current, Tesla Coil, and more, completely reshaping the world of electrical engineering, even to this day.1911 - John Archibald Wheeler was born in Florida, a theoretical physicist who coined the terms black hole and wormhole. July 10 1879 - Harry Nicholls Holmes was a chemist who crystallized vitamin A.1902 - Kurt Alder was a German chemist who formulated the Diels-Alder reaction and won a Nobel Prize in 1950.1917 - Don Herbert was an American television personality who was Mr. Wizard on a science show called Mr. Wizards World (1983–1990).1920 - Owen Chamberlain was an American physicist who discovered antiprotons and a subatomic antiparticle, and won the Nobel Prize in 1959. July 11 1838 - John Wanamaker invented one of the first (if not the first) true department store, the first White Sale, the first modern price tags, and the first in-store restaurant. He also pioneered the use of money-back guarantees and newspaper ads to advertise his retail goods. July 12 1730 - Josiah Wedgwood, an England pottery designer, and manufacturer, invented the technique for making Wedgwood china and industrialized the manufacturing of pottery.1849 - William Osler was a Canada physician who is considered a father of modern medicine and wrote about the circulatory system.1854 - George Eastman was an American inventor who invented the Kodak camera and rolled photographic film.1895 - Buckminster Fuller was an American architect who invented the geodesic dome.1913 - Willis Lamb was an American physicist who discovered how electrons behave in the hydrogen atom and who won the Nobel Prize in 1955. July 13 1826 - Stanislao Cannizzaro was an Italian chemist who formulated the reaction of Cannizzaro.1944 - Erno Rubik was a Hungarian inventor who invented the Rubiks cube. July 14 1857 - Frederick Maytag invented the Maytag washing machine.1874 - Andre Debierne was a French chemist who discovered the element actinium.1918 - Jay Forrester was a digital computer pioneer who invented core memory.1921 - Geoffrey Wilkinson was an English chemist who pioneered inorganic chemistry, invented Wilkinsons catalyst, discovered the structure of ferrocene, and won a Nobel Prize in 1973.1924 - James Whyte Black was a Scottish doctor and pharmacologist who invented propranolol, synthesized cimetidine, and won a Nobel Prize in 1988. July 15 1817 - John Fowler was an English engineer who built the London Metropolitan Railway. July 16 1704 - John Kay was an English machinist who invented the flying shuttle that improved looms.1801 - Julius Plucker was a German mathematician and physicist who formulated Plucker formulas and was the first person to identify Cathode rays.1888 - Frits Zernike invented the phase-contrast microscope that allowed for the study of colorless and transparent biological materials; he won the Nobel Prize in 1953.1907 - Orville Redenbacher invented and sold Orville Redenbachers Gourmet Popcorn. July 17 1920 - Gordon Gould was an American physicist made famous for inventing the laser. July 18 1635 - Robert Hooke was an English physicist and the first person to see micrographia by using a microscope.1853 - Hendrik Lorentz was a Dutch physicist who discovered and explained the Zeeman effect and derived the transformation equations used by Albert Einstein to describe space and time. Lorentz won the Nobel Prize in 1902. July 19 1814 - Samuel Colt was an American gunmaker who invented the Colt revolver.1865 - Charles Horace Mayo was an American surgeon who started the Mayo Clinic. July 20 1897 - Tadeusz Reichstein won the Nobel Prize in 1950 and was a Swiss chemist who invented a method to artificially synthesize vitamin C.1947 - Gerd Binnig was a 1986 Nobel Prize winner and German physicist who invented the scanning tunneling microscope that could view individual atoms. July 21 1620 - Jean Picard was a French astronomer who first accurately measured the length of a degree of a meridian (longitude line) and from that computed the size of the Earth.1810 - Henri Victor Regnault was a French physicist and chemist known for his research on the thermal properties of gasses as well as a photographer who invented the use of pyrogallic acid as a developing agent.1923 - Rudolph Marcus was a Canadian chemist who formulated the Marcus theory of electron-transfer reactions in chemical systems and who won a Nobel Prize in 1992. July 22 1822 - Gregor Mendel was the geneticist who discovered the laws of heredity through experimentation in his garden.1844 - William Archibald Spooner invented spoonerisms, a play on words wherein the first letters of two words are switched, often to humorous effect.1887 - Gustav Hertz was a German quantum physicist who experimented with inelastic electron collisions in gasses known as the Franck–Hertz experiments and who won a Nobel Prize in 1925.1908 - Amy Vanderbilt might be the inventor of etiquette and wrote the Complete Book of Etiquette. July 23 1827 - Pieter Caland was a Dutch hydraulic engineer who built the New Waterway of Rotterdam.1828 - Jonathan Hutchinson was an English surgeon who was the first to describe the medical signs of congenital syphilis. July 24 1898 - Amelia Earhart was an American aviator who was the first woman to pilot across the Atlantic; she disappeared during one of her trans-Atlantic flights. July 25 1795 - James Barry was a female disguised as a man who became the surgeon general of the British army.1866 - Frederick Frost Blackman was an English plant physiologist who wrote the 1905 paper Optima and Limiting Factors, in which he demonstrated that where a process depends on a number of independent factors, the rate at which it can take place is limited by the rate of the slowest factor. July 26 1799 - Isaac Babbitt invented babbitts metal used in engine bearings.1860 - Philippe Jean Bunau-Varilla was a French engineer who helped build the Panama Canal.1875 - Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist who invented analytical psychology, known as Jungian psychology, who greatly influenced later works of many psychologists around the world.1894 - Aldous Huxley was the English science fiction author who wrote Brave New World.1919 - James Ephraim Lovelock was an English scientist and futurist known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, in which he postulates that the Earth functions as a kind of superorganism. July 27 1848 - Roland Baron von Eà ¶tvà ¶s was a Hungarian physicist who formulated the concept of molecular surface tension and the Eà ¶tvà ¶s torsion balance.1938 - Gary Gygax was an American game designer who co-invented the Dungeons Dragons role-playing game. July 28 1907 - Earl Silas Tupper invented Tupperware. July 29 1891 - Bernhard Zondek was a German gynecologist who invented the first reliable pregnancy test in 1928. July 30 1863 - Henry Ford was an American automaker who invented the Model T Ford.1887 - Felix Andries Vening Meinesz was a Dutch geophysicist who invented a precise method for measuring gravity called the gravimeter. The gravimeter allowed for a precise measure of gravity at sea, which led Meinesz to discover gravity anomalies above the ocean floor due to continental drift.1889 - Vladimir Zworykin was a Russian electronics engineer who invented an electronic television system. July 31 1803 - John Ericsson was an American inventor of the screw propeller for ships.1918 - Paul D. Boyer was an American biochemist and Nobel Prize winner in 1997.1919 - Primo Levi was an Italian chemist turned writer best known for his autobiography, Survival in Auschwitz.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Generating forecasts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Generating forecasts - Essay Example Since the current and future customers have more money to buy the company’s goods and services, it is possible to predict an increase in the purchase of the stores’ product sales and services revenues. Statistical tools help make more informed store management decisions. In the same manner, the increase in certain independent factors may indicate a possible decline in the dependent factor. For example, an increase in the government’s taxes will reduce the workers’ take home pays or salaries. Consequently, the reduced take home pays will reduce the workers’ purchasing power. Consequently, the decision makers must expect a decline in the stores’ sales and service revenues. With the reduced take home pay, the employees must cut down their avoidable expenses. The table 1 data shows the company can generate the future weeks’ projected revenues (Johnson, 2010). The expected future sales are grounded based on the above multiple independent variables. The dependent variable is the revenues. As dependent variable, the sales output is normally dependent on the many independent variables. The above table shows that the competitors often sell their products at prices that are reasonable. A reasonable price takes into consideration several relevant factors. One of the relevant factors is the demand for the products. A high customers’ demand for the products will encourage the stores to increase their selling prices. However, a low demand for the stores’ products and services persuades the store managers to offer discounted prices. With the discounts, the customers will take advantage of the price reductions. A price reduction will normally trigger a higher demand for the stores’ products and services (Johnson, 2010). The above table 2 shows the summary of the statistical findings’ regression analysis for the ten weeks. The Multiple regression output is shown to be 0.63. The R Squared figure is 0.40. The Adjusted R squared figure is -.0950.
Monday, February 3, 2020
China's business cycle and government policy in economy development Research Paper
China's business cycle and government policy in economy development - Research Paper Example There are many economic indicators that can be used to show the growth of a given economy. In this research paper, only three are discussed. Gross Domestic product(GDP), inflation and the unemployment rate are the major indicators of the economic change in the country. Gross Domestic Product of china The state council of China established a system of national accounting in 1985 to measure the gross domestic product of the people’s republic of China. In comparison, the Gross Domestic Product report produced by Fengbo Zhang in his measurements in 1980 and that of 1998, the difference in the economic levels is negligible. This is the period when the weighting factors underwent tremendous changes. The prices were amended year after another. Despite the great changes in technology in china, the Gross Domestic Product has shown negligible deviation since 1980. The chart below shows the changes in the Chinas GDP as compared to other economic growths in the first and second world countries. Proportion of world (countries with data) nominal GDP for the countries with the top 10 highest nominal GDP in 2010, from 1980 to 2010 with IMF projections until 2016. Grey lines show actual US dollar values China’s mean annual growth in Gross Domestic Growth was 9.90 % from 1980 to 2010. The highest it ever went in the history is 15% while the lowest was 3.7%. in 1984 and 1990 respectively. According to the research of 2013, Chinas nominal GDP by Expenditure approach is 9.2 trillion Dollars of the USA. Factors affecting the GDP in china and other developed countries vary. The first is growth phase and sector shares. Economic development in China and other developed countries have experienced changes, which affected the progress of growth through labor force, participation rate and economic sector relative sizes. Transition from agricultural activities to manufacturing saw the manufacturing industries
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Emergenetics in the Work Place
Emergenetics in the Work Place Introduction Emergenetics is a modern psychometric assessment tool based on the brain. It is used to highlight how an individual thinks and behaves (Browning, 2005). This tool provides an understanding of how people live, work, communicate and interact with one another. There are several emergenetics profiles generated for various purposes. Some are meant to test the leadership skills of individuals or the type of behaviour of different people at work. This paper seeks to highlight the history and background of emergenetics, as well as the benefits of this tool for relationships at the workplace. The History and Background of Emergenetics Emergenetics is based on research that indicates that individuals have inborn traits that make them act and think in a certain way (Williams, Browning, 2010). However, these traits are modified and shaped as people interact with their surroundings. Personal experiences and genetics combine to form a commonly recognized pattern of personality traits. There are seven sets of attributes as described by Emergenetics, and each of these has a unique colour code. Of these, four ways describe ways of thinking, and three describe ways of behaving (Williams, Browning, 2010). The four ways of thinking are analytical preferences (represented by blue), structural preferences (represented by green), social preferences (represented by red) and conceptual preferences (represented by yellow). The behavioural attributes are all represented by the purple. These are expressiveness behaviour, assertiveness behaviour and flexibility behaviour (Williams, Browning, 2010). Development of the Emergenetics Profile When developing the Emergenetics profile instrument, a number of factors were considered. The first factor is the underlying theory, which proposes that an individual has a combination of genetic tendencies (Hunter, 2010). These are tendencies that make one think and act in a certain way, and to act and think in a way that has been modified through socialization. This is from recent research that behaviour and way of thinking is influenced by genetics, which is referred to as nature, as well as the environment, which is referred to as nurture. Another important factor to consider when creating the profile is reliability. Every test developer is concerned about having a question that reliably measures the construct it is supposed to measure. In a test that is well designed, scores from one part of the test should correlate with scores from another part of the test, which is a demonstration of reliability. In the Emergenetics profile test, the statistical procedures used include item by item reliability, split-half reliability and a test/re-test reliability (Hunter, 2010). The item to item reliability is an internal measure to show how well each item correlates to the total score for that item. The split-half reliability is a measure of relationship between scores in different parts of the test (Hunter, 2010). The test/re-test reliability is a measure of how consistently an individual constructs their profile from one time to another. The other factor that was considered is validity, and this refers to how well the test measures what it is supposed to measure. In the same way that there are many types of reliability, there are many types of validity. One is face validity, which refers to whether the individual taking the test considers it to be credible (Hunter, 2010). Having irrelevant questions in the test can make the person taking the test question its validity. If this happens, the person taking the test may provide unreliable answers. Questions on the Emergenetics Profile were written to be relevant to daily events and behaviours. There is content validity, which refers to the adequacy of the Emergenetics tool to measure the behaviour it is designed to measure (Hunter, 2010). For instance, in a typing test, there is a relationship between a specific skill and what the test measures. This, however, is heavily dependent on feedback from people who have used the test. Many people that have taken the Emergenetics test agree that it accurately measures ways of thinking and behaviour. There is the criterion validity, which is a measure of correlation of a person’s scores in different areas of the test (Hunter, 2010). Quoting an example that was used earlier, a high score in a typing test could be used as a criterion to determine the general performance of that child or individual. However, since the Emergenetics Profile Instrument was not developed to measure performance in specific tasks or jobs, no information on criterion validity is available. The last type of validity that was considered is construct validity. A construct is defined as a deeply rooted mental characteristic. From this definition, construct validity refers to whether the Emergenetics tool measures the four ways of thinking preferences and three ways of behaviour (Hunter, 2010). This type of validity is determined using measures similar to those used to determine the reliability of the test. How Emergenetics can be used to Enhance Healthy Workplace Relationships As was mentioned earlier, Emergenetics is a scientific tool that is used to help understand human behaviour and their way of thinking, which makes them approach work and life differently (Browning, 2005). This tool consists of an analysis of left-brain/right-brain, determining how people tend to behave, and this is what defines personality. When applied at the work place, the Emergenetics Profile will provide a true picture of everyone working in a given organization. The tool makes it easier to identify how every individual at the workplace thinks, behaves, and communicates, as well as their preferences (Browning, 2005). Other personal analysis tools provide suggestions on how an individual can change to meet the needs of the organization, but this tool takes a different approach. It appreciates that every individual is unique and helps them stand out through their genetics by creating a profile that shows personal and professional implications (Browning, 2005). The tool focuses more on the strengths of an individual, meant to build on personal energy and passion. Once an individual identifies their strengths, they can then find ways to make these work for them at the workplace. When applied at the workplace, this tool works by exposing cognitive preferences of an individual, by highlighting their distinct, brain-based strengths (Browning, 2005). With such an understanding, people can build better working relationships especially when working as a team on something. The tool also works by tapping into an individual’s uniqueness, distinctive work and learning preferences. The tool helps individuals to discover their innate strengths, shaping ways of how people should go about their work because it highlights where their strengths lie (Browning, 2005). The Emergenetics Profile provides a blueprint for managers at the workplace to engage everyone through methods and strategies that encourage appreciation and collaboration. While taking this approach, it becomes easier to identify people who have leadership skills. When such people are identified in good time, their strengths are assessed fully and skills are developed in a relatively short amount of time (Browning, 2005). These strategies work together to energize individuals to perform even better at the workplace. When the Emergenetics tool is applied, as described above, the organization is better positioned to meet its strategic objectives and goals. Further, people working in such an organization can communicate effectively with the leaders or managers and with each other (Browning, 2005). The organization also enjoys high retention of employees because it can assign responsibilities and duties in accordance with the strengths of an individual. When the management of an organization understands how employees behave and think, they can develop a cohesive organizational culture based on the Emergenetics insight, through an informed perspective based on personal experiences (Browning, 2005). Benefits of Emergenetics in terms of Relationships at the Workplace Emergenetics is an efficient tool because it integrates everything in an organization. It contributes to goal setting, trust building, communication enhancement and team initiatives (O’Connell, 2012b). It makes an impact on everyone in the organization, because it provides a basis for everyone to shine in their unique way. Anyone who takes the Emergenetics test becomes more aware of themselves, their colleagues, and their leaders, managers, and supervisors. This kind of awareness is a basic requirement for fostering good working relationships. When such a person is working in a team environment, they are more effective and more creative in their strong areas. Emergenetics serves as a foundational element upon which an organization can facilitate its dynamics to build a talent-rich organization (O’Connell, 2012b). This happens because it helps people identify their strengths and ways to make the best use of them. It also improves communication and productivity at the workplace. Since the tool appreciates the uniqueness of each employee, employees can apply unique approaches to complete their duties and responsibilities, and the result of this will be high competencies. Case Study: Emergenetics at ACSA Emergenetics is a tool that the Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) uses on a daily basis as a foundation for common language and perspective, which has helped the organization to become more cohesive and successful in its provision of services (O’Connell, 2012b). The ACSA, Charlottesville, Virginia, now enjoys better communication among its employees, and between employees and management (O’Connell, 2012a). This is one of the tools that the organization has invested in. All of its employees are trained on the basics of Emergenetics, giving them the opportunity to explore the tool at a personal level, and then at an organizational level (O’Connell, 2012b). The tool is used in team building across departments in the organization. This has enhanced productivity in the organization because the tool aligns the strengths of each team to team and organizational goal. The organization also uses the tool to foster good relationships at the workplace, since all employees are aware of their personalities and strengths (O’Connell, 2012b). Being self-aware, employees are more open to understanding their colleagues and leaders, and this fosters good relationships between them. Emergenetics has also provided a lens for all employees in the organization to appreciate the uniqueness of their roles in the teams they work in, and to the organization as a whole. Conclusion Emergenetics is a powerful tool that can be applied to every organization to improve work-relationships between employees and their leaders, as well as among employees. Its usefulness starts with the kind of awareness that the tool brings to the workplace. The tool also leads to a form of satisfaction and motivation, because every employee feels that they are appreciated for what they can do. Emergenetics also works well to maintain effective communication within the work place. References Browning, Geil. (2005). Emergenetics  ®: Tap into the New Science of Success. New York: Harper Business. Hunter, Gordon. (2010). Strategic Information systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey: IGI Global Snippet. O’Connell, Gary. (2012a). Albemarle County Service Authority, Charlottesville, Virginia. Albemarle County Service Authority, pp. 1-8. O’Connell, Gary. (2012b). Welcome to Emergenetics- A New Science-Based Learning tool for Individuals, Teams, and Organizations. Emergenetics International. Retrieved from http://icma.org/en/Article/102036/Welcome_to_Emergenetics_a_new_science_based_learning_tool_for_individuals_teams_and_organizations Williams, Wendell, Browning Geil. (2010). Origins and Discussion of Emergenetics Research. Emergenetics Research. Retrieved from https://www.emergenetics.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Origins-and-Discussion-of-Emergenetics-Research.pdf
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A Sociological Review of Marketing Molly and Melville: Dating in a Post-modern, Consumer Society
From the late 1980s, more and more commodities were being marketed with increasingly number of customers, women and men. This could be a new phenomenon that people wanted to make they look better to catch the fast-developing world and consumer society. Thousands of heterosexuals dating advertisements, like from magazines and newspapers, so they need improve their qualifications that will be described in the advertisements to attract the isomerism. In this point, men and women got different ways to presenting themselves like Jagger said in her article: â€Å"†¦ In describing the self, women were more likely to stress their appearance, whereas men were more likely to emphasise their finical and educational status and occupation, consistent with traditional ‘sex-role' expectations. †(Jagger 2001) It is true that the way people developing new relationships were depending on selective consumption by others, so dating advertisements are chances for people can represent themselves. Therefore the words ‘masculinity' and ‘femininity' became very important, because the changing meanings of them were part of the consumer society and new definition of self-identity. Men and women are more equally likely to market their bodies when advertising the self and seemed both sex had paid more attention to lifestyle but not work-place or domestic stuff. Like Jagger argued in her article, that major social transformations nearly has been done during the 20-century, along with the rise of media and advertising, the foundation of consumer culture has been established. Based on this new social culture, identities of individual has been described by the way of leisure and consumption much more than work and production, and the changed meaning of self-worth which is a very important factor while advertising a unitary self. Femininity and Masculinity in a Post-modern Society It has been argued in Jagger's article that ‘femininity' and ‘masculinity' were to describer women and men typically since long time ago. Women used to be identified as emotional, caring, domestically, and always should make themselves look beautiful as objectives in men's gaze. These analyses are consistent to the self-identity of women in advertising, majority of the women are more likely to stress their physical attractiveness but not something else. Yet this view of subordinate femininity was re-appraised in the 1980s as stereotyped social identity, people think that consumer culture provided women much more important resources of being an individual new feminine self than before. That means woman should have more opportunity to work, live, or even play with their personal identity and take pleasure of making different roles and masks, to do whatever they wanted equitable. As Jagger pointed out, however, Being a ‘professional', ‘independent', ‘career' woman have been identified. In sharp contrast to the old terrain of domestic femininity, these ‘new women', are held to do things for their own satisfaction and gratification, not merely to attract and keep a man. †(Jagger 2001) In other side, the contemporary debate on men and masculinity has been suggested that it is no longer a simple unitary male identity. Traditionally, men have been identified as ‘strong', ‘brave', ‘responsible', and usually deal with some hard and dangerous social work. This view of identity determined that men have to be cool and cold. Thus caused this kind of characters become very popular in women. For example, ROBOCOP, ROCKY and RAMBO, these were some images of ‘hard-man'; even all of them are violent. Since 1990s, however, this identify of men has been challenged by the value of ‘new man', who is warmer, softer, and more emotional. They being required not only be a worker or even a successful businessman, but also should take at least half of the domestic responsibility as a good father and a good husband. Moreover, muscles now understood as sexy sign of male but not the symbol of working class and rough person. More and more men with masculinity wanted to be enjoyed by female viewer as objectives in the new order of the consumer society. â€Å"It is clamed, therefore, men have become embodied subject, enjoying the same kind of attention that in the past was the preserve of women. †(Jagger 2001) Although the fast-developing consumer society provided both men and women resources of self-identity, required them to change the gender stereotypes, there are still a lot of problems. Some researchers consider that the power of traditional culture still strong or even more signifies. Both men and women are influenced by this cultural ideal. In one hand, it has been argued that a more limited number of the female advertisers still emphasise their physical attractiveness, their caring and ability to listen when representing themselves. A ‘professional', ‘successful' woman always was proved negative and ‘masculine'. Many solutions have been used for fix the problem. Some women construct themselves as mixed subjects that means they can be a good housewives and holding a demanding job at the same time. Also some female advertisers construct themselves in characters that borrowed from media, or describe the appearance of their body directly. It is a truth that many women have been advised by the media for how to be a ‘new femininity' and what that kind of women might look like, identified as subject of gaze. However, these ‘new femininities' did not walk too far from the old notion. They continue to represent themselves in a relatively limited number of images of female selfhood, particularly with regard to their bodies. In the other hand, it seems that masculinity takes many forms to the extent that men produced more versions of the self than women did. Some of them represent themselves as hard working, successful and some others even emphasise their bodies. This could prove that the consumer society paid more attention to the consumption market, which decided that the male's body also could be the ‘product' being sold. But there are small number of ‘new man' that we can not lose sight of: â€Å"For instance, some men constructed themselves as caring, sharing, 'emotional' and ‘sensitive' individuals, anxious to share in the joy of domesticity. †(Jagger 2001) This consist with the ‘trait' of consumer society, which apply the masculine subjectivity is complex and multiple, not just unitary. Therefore, as Jagger considered, there are diverse way of being a man, in this complex and multiple post-modern worlds. CONCLUSION: Dating in a post-modern, consumer society through advertisement could be a good experience of self-identify and representing. The consumer culture has provided individuals some important resources for women and men, but it seems that these resources are not equally available to all of them. Although the meaning of ‘femininity' and ‘masculinity' are changing a lot to fit the consumer culture, women still got more problems when dealing with the new setting of social conditions than these to men. Actually, women become more independent and men become more sensitive nowadays, and both of these changes are relatively to the contemporary consumer culture, which gives people more opportunities to identify themselves. All of these ideas have been critically discussed in Jagger's article, which she gives some nice suggestion to people about self-identity and play diversity roles in this consumer society. Not only for advertisers, but also for all of us who care about ourselves.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Undisputed Truth About Third Grade Writing Samples That the Experts Dont Want You to Hear
The Undisputed Truth About Third Grade Writing Samples That the Experts Don't Want You to Hear All About Third Grade Writing Samples Here are some student samples so that you can observe where they're at with their writing. I just would like you to be sure you're sending the signals you would like to be sending. Students who don't pass the very first time have many opportunities to retake the OGT tests. On the previous day of the undertaking, you might want to assign students more genre homework. With the most suitable curriculum, second graders won't only be in a position to construct on the concepts learnt earlier but will likewise be able to learn new ones. There are two quizzes, each with two unique forms. It's an enjoyable and simple exercise in both descriptive writing and quick vital thinkingone that may result in some rather interesting responses! 1 student had the brilliant notion to cross out the ones which were already utilized. Have a look at some of Concordia's treasured ideas. Finding out how to compose letters early in life teaches second graders about writing in an enjoyable and purposeful way, but in addition how to remain in touch with other individuals. Eighth Grade In my past year of middle school, I discover I don't understand how to write. This book might help to pull your children away from the television for some time. AP courses are classes given i n high school that are thought to be college level. This doesn't mean that all schools in the us will become carbon copies of one another. It enables them to dig deeper into a particular subject, and in the procedure understand such topic in depth because, essentially, you can't write about something in case you don't understand it well. The unit culminates with students proposing a business program that includes background information concerning the business, a marketing program, and the effect it'll have on the financial success of the community. We're a top service in regards to writing research papers. We've got a third strict policy once it comes to plagiarism. Author's purpose is a wide topic that may be discussed at quite a few levels. The poetically written text also supplies a terrific deal of insight into how writers craft their work and supplies multiple solid opportunities to construct your third graders' vocabulary. This book is perfect for teaching students how to find main ideas in every single section. By assigning familiar topics, you can concentrate on writing. It is a significant practice to boost creative writing skills. Additionally, this activity gives them a chance to place their hands on real texts, instead of only the brief descriptions that they've been analyzing up until now. This is an intimidating undertaking for my students, therefore we'll practice with one-paragraph essays till they become more secure with the practice. At precisely the same time, it teaches students the simple writing skills they should know, and later on assist them improve the writing skills they've learned over time. A huge job, but not insurmountable. If you want to print your own copy, just click the image. These documents are offered in the links below. Tell them to begin writing journals. Have you got any essays For instance, some folks really hate spiders. Unlike a private diary entry, though, a personal narrative is supposed to be read by other people. I find the majority of the short stories within this textbook to be well-written and useful. FInally, ask the student to complete the story by writing 2-3 sentences on the rear of the webpage. Yesterday, we wrote an entire paragraph using our very first explanations. Your kid's assignments will change, but you can anticipate a set of short sit-and-write assignments, along with longer projects that span weeks or months, giving students the opportunity to reflect and revise their work as time passes. By employing self-correction together with spelling programs, my son became a great speller regardless of his severe dyslexia! Whenever your kid is working on a writing assignment at home, it might be inviting to correct spelling and grammar errors or make different suggestions, but it is a very good idea to speak to the teacher before you jump in.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Buddhism An Dominant World Religion - 2164 Words
Buddhism began in India 2,500 years ago and, although virtually extinct in India, it remains the dominant world religion in the east. Buddhism is a nontheistic religion that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as Buddha. This culture is used mostly in East Asia, Sri Lanka, and South Asia. However, most traditions share a common set of fundamental beliefs. Buddhist believe spiritual peace and liberation from anxiety through following Buddha’s teachings are important in promoting health and recovery. It is a path of practice of spiritual development leading to insight into the true nature of reality. They believe that helping sentient beings†¦show more content†¦If we look back into the ancient Indian Buddhist tradition we can find its diversity just after the death of Buddha. According to Buddhist traditions a Buddha is a fully awakened being who has completely purified his mind of the three poisons of desire, aversion and ignorance. Traditionally Buddhist wear robes. They celebrate Buddhist new year, Vesak (Buddha’s birthday), Magha puja day (full moon day of the third lunar month), Asalha puja day (pay homage to Buddha on a full moon of the 8th), Uposatha (observance day), Kathina Ceremony (Robe offering ceremony), Ulamba (ancestor day), Loy Krathong (Festival of floating bowls), and The elephant festival. The founder of Buddhism was Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddhist traditions show that the Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries. He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end their suffering through the elimination of ignorance and craving. It’s believed that all our happiness and good fortune arise from peaceful and positive states of mind. This was based on the principle or the law of impermanence. Buddhism helps find balance between two extremes of self-indulgence and total abstinence. There are a couple types of Buddhism which include Mahayana and Theravada (East Asia) – Zen Buddhists (Hinduism, Confucianism, and
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